Group Media & Photos

Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944. Left Row 1 (L-R): Takejiro Nakagawa (1st), Yasutaro Soga (2nd). Right Row 1: Rev. Shoyu Kitajima (1st); Row 2: Yoshio Koike (1st), Yuichi Nakamura (2nd), Nekketsu Takei (4th); Row 3: Rev. Gijo Ozawa (2nd, glasses). Center, Back: Rev. Kyodo Fujihana (seated), Rev. Ninryo Nago (standing, beard). Anonymous donor

Honolulu Education Association, 1st District, honoring language teachers with thirty-plus years of service. Kanraku Restaurant, Honolulu, October 1965. Row 2: Yoshio Koike (4th from right). Row 3: Yoshiharu Kodama (1st), Tokiji Sojin Takei (2nd), Kyodo Fujihana (3rd). JCCH/Tokiji Sojin Takei Collection.
Internment Locations
Arrested: December 1941
Wailuku Jail, Wailuku, Maui Island
Maui County Jail, Wailuku, Maui Island
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was among 166 men (mostly Issei) who were sent on the second transfer ship for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. These men were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
March 1942 - April 1942
Fort Sill Internment Camp, Oklahoma
April 1942 - May 1942
Camp Livingston Internment Camp, Louisiana
June 1942