Group Media & Photos

Kitchen workers' softball club, "Waikiki", at Topaz Concentration Camp, ca. 1943. Bottom Row (L-R): Kozen Nakama, Mijo, Shiroma [Mainlander], Hideo Kaneshiro, Yoshitsune Gushiken, Koichi Oshiro, Shigeru Kaneshiro, Seijun Tamashiro. Top Row: Seikichi Takushi, Soko Yaka, Unknown, Tamanaha [Mainlander], Juchin Arakaki, Higa, Unknown. JCCH/Hideo Kaneshiro Collection.
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Internment Locations
Arrested: August 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
Transferred to Mainland: March 1943
Sent aboard the military troopship the Kota Agoeng with more than 210 other Hawaii residents for incarceration in Mainland camps.
Topaz Concentration Camp, Utah
March 1943 - September 1943
Tule Lake Segregation Center, California
September 1943 - February 1946