Group Media & Photos

Santa Fe Internment Camp, November 1943. Row 1: Mamoru Suga (3rd from R). Row 2 (L-R): Usaburo Katamoto (2nd), Yoshio Koike (7th), Katsuichi Wakimoto (12th). Row 3 (L-R): Sadato Morifuji (2nd), Yuichi Nakamura (4th), Futoshi Ohama (5th), Kazuto Taketa (8th), Tetsuo Tanaka (9th), Kogan Yoshizumi (11th). Top Row: Isoo Kato (5th), Mannosuke Komu (8th), Kodo Fujitani (12th/3rd from R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

In front of an altar, Santa Fe Internment Camp. 1st Row (L-R): Aisuke Shigekuni (4th), Yoshio Koike (6th). 3rd Row: Josen Deme (2nd), Rev. Yutetsu Matsui (3rd), Bishop Gikyo Kuchiba (5th), Chikyoku Kikuchi (6th), Rev. Konin Matano (7th), Rev. Shutetsu Uyenoyama (8th); Rev. Hakuai Oda (9th); Rev. Kodo Fujitani (10th). 4th Row: Bishop Ninryo Nago (5th), Rev. Suijo Kabashima (6th), Rev. Zenkai Tatsuguchi (8th). 5th Row: Rev. Kogan Yoshizumi (2nd), Rev. Shoho Fujiye (5th), Rev. Shinri Sarashina (6th), Rev. Teizen Imamura (7th). Back Row: Koichi Iida (11th), Daizo Sumida (12th). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

Santa Fe Internment Camp. Bottom Row (L-R): Mamoru Suga (3rd), Rev. Yutetsu Matsui (4th). Row 2: Koichi Iida (4th). Sadato Morifuji (6th). Row 3: Yoshio Koike (3rd; next to man with beard), Hego Fuchino (4th), Rev. Hakuai Oda (5th). Top Row: Rev. Hosho Kurohira (3rd from R). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

Barracks 62. Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1943. Row 1 (L-R): Rev. Shunjo Shiratori (8th), Rev. Tetsuo Tanaka (9th), Takejiro Nakagawa (11th), Koshi Tatsuhara (12th). Row 2: Ryuichi Moribe (1st), Rev. Kogan Yoshizumi (2nd), Katsuichi Wakimoto (8th). Row 3: Yoshio Koike (6th), Futoshi Ohama (8th), Nekketsu Takei (10th), Kazuto Taketa (15th), Masaichi Kobayashi (18th/6th from R). Row 5: Yuichi Nakamura (2nd), Usaburo Katamoto (5th). JCCH/ Usaburo Katamoto Archival Collection.

Santa Fe Internment Camp. Row 1 (L-R): Officer-In-Charge Lloyd Jensen (9th from L), Yoshio Koike (2nd from R). Row 2: Taizen Imamura (10th), Yuichi Nakaichi (13th), Kogan Yoshizumi (15th). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Santa Fe Internment Camp. Bottom Row (L-R): Rev. Kodo Fujitani (2nd), Yoshio Koike (5th). 2nd Row: Mamoru Suga (1st), Hirouemon Yamamoto (6th), Sadato Morifuji (9th). JCCH/ Patsy Saiki Archival Collection.

Painting exhibition. Santa Fe Internment Camp, July 1944. 1st Row: Setsuzo Toyota (4th from L), Aisuke Shigekuni (3rd from R). 2nd Row (L-R): Yuichi Nakaichi (2nd); Rev. Nisshu Kobayashi (3rd); Yoshio Koike (4th); Rev. Kogan Yoshizumi (5th); Julian P. Langston, Santa Fe camp administrator (6th); Lloyd Jensen, Officer-In-Charge (7th); Masao Ikeno, art instructor (8th); Koshi Tatsuhara (10th/4th fr R). 3rd Row: Rev. Hakuai Oda (3rd); Soichi Obata (4th); Rev. Josen Deme (5th); Rev. Ryuten Kashiwa (10th/2nd fr R). 4th Row: Osuke Shigemoto (4th), Yasutaro Soga (8th), Masayuki Chikuma (10th), Katsuichi Miho (12th), Koichi Iida (14th/4th fr R), Yoshinobu Kato (15th/3rd fr R). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944. Left Row 1 (L-R): Takejiro Nakagawa (1st), Yasutaro Soga (2nd). Right Row 1: Rev. Shoyu Kitajima (1st); Row 2: Yoshio Koike (1st), Yuichi Nakamura (2nd), Nekketsu Takei (4th); Row 3: Rev. Gijo Ozawa (2nd, glasses). Center, Back: Rev. Kyodo Fujihana (seated), Rev. Ninryo Nago (standing, beard). JCCH/Anonymous donor.

Internee calligraphy exhibit. Santa Fe Internment Camp, November 1944. 1st Row (L-R): Nisshu Kobayashi (3rd), Yoshio Koike (4th), Kogan Yoshizumi (5th), Koichi Iida (6th). 2nd Row: Yuichi Nakaichi (1st), Katsuichi Wakimoto (3rd), Fukuhara (4th). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Weekly newspaper staff. Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. Row 1 (L-R): Hego Fuchino (2nd), Yoshio Koike (4th), Nisshu Kobayashi (2nd from R). Row 2 (L-R): Minoru Murakami (4th), Genpachi Tsushima (5th), Taizen Imamura (2nd from R). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Religious group. Santa Fe Internment Camp, October 1945. Bottom row (L-R): Kogan Yoshizumi (3rd), Gendo Okawa (6th), Tetsuo Tanaka (7th), Yoshio Koike (8th). Row 2: Aisuke Shigekuni (3rd from L). Back Row: Minoru Murakami (2nd from R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.
Internment Locations
Arrested: April 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was among 109 men (mostly Issei) who were sent on the third transfer ship for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. The internees were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
June 1942
Fort Sam Houston Internment Camp, Texas
June 1942
Lordsburg Internment Camp, New Mexico
June 1942 - June 1943
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
June 1943 - October 1945
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.