Group Media & Photos

Genpachi Tsushima. Alien Registration Card, Immigration and Naturalization Service. Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 1943. JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

"Broadcast Department" members, Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944-1945. Bottom row (L-R): Masayuki Chikuma (2nd), Shigeru Yano (3rd), Shigeki Mizumoto (4th), Yuichi Nakaichi (5th). Middle row: Minoru Murakami (2nd), Genpachi Tsushima (3rd), Kumaji Furuya (6th). Top row: Toramatsu Matsumoto (1st), Rev. Yutetsu Matsui (3rd), Totaro Matsui (4th), Rev. Kodo Fujitani (5th). JCCH/Pat Saiki Archival Collection.

Sumo Tournament. Santa Fe Internment Camp, August 1944. Standing: Genpachi Tsushima (2nd from L), Kazuto Taketa (11th from L), Rev. Goki Tatsuguchi (14th from L), Rev. Suijo Kabashima (15th from L), Koichi Iida (4th from R), Soichi Obata (3rd from R), Daizo Sumida (2nd from R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Genpachi Tsushima (right) and his father-in-law, Toramatsu Matsumoto. Santa Fe Internment Camp. JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Oshibai. Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944-1945. Row 1 (L-R): Tsuneichi Yamamoto (7th), Masayuki Chikuma (8th/1st fr R). Row 2: Katsuichi Kawamoto (1st), Yuichi Nakaichi (2nd), Genpachi Tsushima (5th). Row 3: Hamada (3rd frm R), Zenkichi Morita (2nd fr R), Soichi Obata (1st fr R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Kabuki at Santa Fe Internment Camp. Front row (L-R): Yuichi Nakaichi (1st), Masayuki Chikuma (2nd), Tsuneichi Yamamoto (3rd). Back row: Kiyoshi James Yonemura (2nd), Genpachi Tsushima (holding raised katana). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Kabuki at Santa Fe Internment Camp. Row 2 (L-R): Sawajiro Ozaki (4th). Row 3: Tsuneichi Yamamoto (1st), Masayuki Chikuma (2nd), Shigeki Mizumoto (3rd), Genpachi Tsushima (4th), Shoho Fujiie (5th), Shigeru Yano (6th), Katsuichi Kawamoto (7th). Back row: Zenkichi Morita (1st), Kiyoshi James Yonemura (5th). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Men from Kumamoto Prefecture at Santa Fe Internment Camp. Front row (L-R): Kazuyuki Kawano (1st), Toramatsu Matsumoto (3rd). Back row: Kiyoshi James Yonemura (3rd), Genpachi Tsushima (4th), Shigeru Yano (5th). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Weekly newspaper staff. Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. Row 1 (L-R): Hego Fuchino (2nd), Yoshio Koike (4th), Nisshu Kobayashi (2nd from R). Row 2 (L-R): Minoru Murakami (4th), Genpachi Tsushima (5th), Taizen Imamura (2nd from R). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

English class. Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. Front row (L-R): Genpachi Tsushima (5th). Row 2: Mamoru Suga (4th). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.

Tennis Club at Santa Fe Internment Camp. Front row (L-R): Genpachi Tsushima (2nd), Shoyu Kitajima (5th). Back row: Tsuruzo Hasegawa (3rd from L), Gyokuei Matsuura (2nd from R). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.
Internment Locations
Arrested: March 1943
Honouliuli Internment Camp, Oahu Island
This internee was among thirty-four Issei men who were sent in the ninth transfer group for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. The internees were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan.
Sharp Park Detention Station, California
July 1943 - August 1943
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
August 1943 - October 1945
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.
Genpachi Tsushima's wife, Shizue, was the daughter of Shinto priest Toramatsu Matsumoto, who also was interned. The two men spent most of their confinement together in Santa Fe.