Group Media & Photos

Tule Lake Segregation Center, 1944. Satoshi Yasuda (left) and Shinichi Muta (right). JCCH/Shinichi Muta Collection.
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Tule Lake Segregation Center, November 1945. Shinichi Muta, standing, far right; Satoshi Yasuda, kneeling, far left. JCCH/Shinichi Muta Collection.
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Tule Lake Segregation Center, November 1945. Shinichi Muta (kneeling, left); Satoshi Yasuda (standing, 2nd from left). JCCH/Shinichi Muta Collection.
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Internment Locations
Arrested: April 1943
Honouliuli Internment Camp, Oahu Island
Tule Lake Segregation Center, California
November 1944 - March 1946
Returned to Hawaii: March 1946
Arrived in Honolulu with some 60 other Hawaii internees aboard the military troopship the Mariposa.