Group Media & Photos

Softball players, Missoula Internment Camp, ca. 1943-1944. Front Row (L-R): Rev. Joei Oi (1st), Rev. Shushin Matsubayashi (3rd), Masayuki Chikuma (5th), Rev. Konin Matano (6th), Osuke Shigemoto (7th), Hideyuki Serizawa (10th), Ichitaro Charles Hasebe. Middle Row (L-R): Rev. Gikyo Kuchiba (1st), Totaro Matsui (2nd), Kinzo Sayegusa (4th), Kumaji Furuya (5th), Sawajiro Ozaki (6th). Back Row (L-R): Rev. Hakuai Oda (2nd), Daizo Sumida (6th), Rev. Josen Deme (10th), Rev. Gendo Okawa (11th), Taichi Sato (13th), Rev. Kaneki Honda (14th), Aisuke Shigekuni (15th), Setsuzo Toyota (16th). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

Painting exhibition, Santa Fe Internment Camp, July 1944. 1st Row: Setsuzo Toyota (4th from L), Aisuke Shigekuni (3rd from R). 2nd Row (L-R): Yuichi Nakaichi (2nd); Rev. Nisshu Kobayashi (3rd); Yoshio Koike (4th); Rev. Kogan Yoshizumi (5th); Julian P. Langston, Santa Fe camp administrator (6th); Lloyd Jensen, Officer-In-Charge (7th); Masao Ikeno, art instructor (8th); Koshi Tatsuhara (10th/4th fr R). 3rd Row: Rev. Hakuai Oda (3rd); Soichi Obata (4th); Rev. Josen Deme (5th); Rev. Ryuten Kashiwa (10th/2nd fr R). 4th Row: Osuke Shigemoto (4th), Yasutaro Soga (8th), Masayuki Chikuma (10th), Katsuichi Miho (12th), Koichi Iida (14th/4th fr R), Yoshinobu Kato (15th/3rd fr R). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

"Broadcast Department" members, Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944-1945. Bottom row (L-R): Masayuki Chikuma (2nd), Shigeru Yano (3rd), Shigeki Mizumoto (4th), Yuichi Nakaichi (5th). Middle row: Minoru Murakami (2nd), Genpachi Tsushima (3rd), Kumaji Furuya (6th). Top row: Toramatsu Matsumoto (1st), Rev. Yutetsu Matsui (3rd), Totaro Matsui (4th), Rev. Kodo Fujitani (5th). JCCH/Pat Saiki Archival Collection.

Group photo, o-shibai, internment camp. Row 2 (L-R): Yuichi Nakaichi (2nd), Masayuki Chikuma (3rd), Katsuichi Kawamoto (6th). Row 3: Rev. Suijo Kabashima (3rd), Soichi Obata (8th), Rev. Shoho Fujiie (10th/2nd from R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Oshibai, Santa Fe Internment Camp, ca. 1944-1945. Row 1 (L-R): Tsuneichi Yamamoto (7th), Masayuki Chikuma (8th/1st fr R). Row 2: Katsuichi Kawamoto (1st), Yuichi Nakaichi (2nd). Row 3: Hamada (3rd frm R), Zenkichi Morita (2nd fr R), Soichi Obata (1st fr R). JCCH/Joan Oya Collection.

Two GIs visiting Santa Fe Internment Camp, January 1945. First Row (L-R): Osuke Shigemoto (2nd), Shigemoto's son (3rd), Totaro Matsui (5th). Second Row (L-R): Daizo Sumida (1st), Kumaji Furuya (2nd), Ryuichi Moribe (3rd), Kogan Yoshizumi (4th), Katsuichi Kawamoto (5th), Sawajiro Ozaki (6th), Koichi Iida (7th). Back Row (L-R): Yasutaro Soga (1st), Masayuki Chikuma (3rd), Riuichi Ipponsugi (4th), Kinzo Sayegusa (5th). JCCH/Riuichi Ipponsugi Archival Collection.

Cast and crew of “Hiroshima miyage to Tamazo” (Hiroshima souvenir and Tamazo), Santa Fe Internment Camp, performed in March 1945. The script for this drama was likely written by an internee. 2nd row from bottom (L-R): Shigeru Yano (10th). 3rd row (L-R): Shigeki Mizumoto (2nd), Tsuneichi Yamamoto (3rd), Masayuki Chikuma (4th), Genpachi Tsushima (7th), Katsuichi Kawamoto (8th). JCCH/Patsy Saiki Archival Collection.

Kabuki at Santa Fe Internment Camp. Row 2 (L-R): Sawajiro Ozaki (4th). Row 3: Tsuneichi Yamamoto (1st), Masayuki Chikuma (2nd), Shigeki Mizumoto (3rd), Genpachi Tsushima (4th), Shoho Fujiie (5th), Shigeru Yano (6th), Katsuichi Kawamoto (7th). Back row: Zenkichi Morita (1st), Kiyoshi James Yonemura (5th). JCCH/Matsumoto-Tsushima Family Collection.
Arrested: February 1942
This internee was among 166 men (mostly Issei) who were sent on the second transfer ship for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. These men were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan. This internee was in a sub-group of Second Transfer Group internees who were sent from Livingston to Missoula before being transferred to Santa Fe.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
3月 1942 - 4月 1942
Fort Sill Internment Camp, Oklahoma
4月 1942 - 5月 1942
Camp Livingston Internment Camp, Louisiana
6月 1942 - 6月 1943
Fort Missoula Internment Camp, Montana
6月 1943 - 4月 1944
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
4月 1944 - 10月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.
A Shinto priest after the war, Masayuki Chikuma was better known during the prewar years as an entertainer and as the manager of the Toyo Theater in Honolulu's A'ala district. A former stage actor, he was one of a handful of popular benshi who gave voice and sound effects to the silent Japanese films that entertained the immigrant community.