Group Media & Photos

Under incarceration in Jerome, Yukuma Hayashi spent countless hours perfecting his wood carving skills, creating exquisite decorative pins for camp competitions. JCCH/Yukuma Hayashi Collection.
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Collection of carved and painted birds, fish and butterflies, made in Jerome, Arkansas by Yukuma Hayashi. JCCH/Yukuma Hayashi Collection.
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Two small wooden trays, made in the Jerome Concentration Camp by Yukuma Hayashi. JCCH/Yukuma Hayashi Collection.
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Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
Transferred to Mainland: December 1942
Sent aboard the military troopship the Lurline with more than 430 other Hawaii residents for incarceration in Mainland camps.
Jerome Relocation Center, Arkansas
1月 1943 - 6月 1944
Gila River Relocation Center, Arizona
6月 1944 - 11月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: December 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with about 775 other internees aboard the military troopship the Shawnee.