Group Media & Photos

Hawaii Softball Team, Missoula Internment Camp, 1943. 1st Row (L-R): Tomoichi Hayashi, Ryuichi Kashima, Kazumi Matsumoto, Shujiro Takakuwa. 2nd Row: Masayuki Iwata, Kumaji Furuya, Goki Tatsuguchi, Yoshinobu Sasaki, Masahiro Himeno. 3rd Row: Soichi Obata, Akio Kimura, Isaku Orita, Tamaki Arita, Masato Kiyosaki, Suijo Kabashima. JCCH/Soichi Obata Archival Collection.
Arrested: January 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was among 166 men (mostly Issei) who were sent on the second transfer ship for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. These men were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan. This internee was in a sub-group of Second Transfer Group internees who were sent from Livingston to Missoula before being transferred to Santa Fe.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
3月 1942 - 4月 1942
Fort Sill Internment Camp, Oklahoma
4月 1942 - 5月 1942
Camp Livingston Internment Camp, Louisiana
6月 1942 - 6月 1943
Fort Missoula Internment Camp, Montana
6月 1943 - 4月 1944
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
4月 1944
Granada (Amache) Relocation Center, Colorado
9月 1944 - 12月 1944