Group Media & Photos

Haleiwa Jodo Mission Joshi Meisho Seinenkai (Young Women's Organization), dressed for a New Year's party, January 1934. Fumi Miyamoto, 1st row, center, dark striped kimono. JCCH/ Masaharu and Carol Sumukawa Collection.

Upper-level graduation. Haleiwa Taisho Japanese Language School, 1940. Row 1 (L-R): Kunitaro Takeuchi (2nd), Rev. Buntetsu Miyamoto (3rd), Fumi Miyamoto (4th). JCCH/ Masaharu and Carol Sumukawa Collection.

MIddle School graduation. Haleiwa Taisho Japanese Language School, June 1941. Row 1 (L-R): Kunitaro Takeuchi (2nd), Rev. Buntetsu Miyamoto (3rd), Fumi Miyamoto (4th). JCCH/ Masaharu and Carol Sumukawa Collection.
Left Hawaii: August 1942
Part of a group of almost forty Hawaii families (wives, mothers and children) sent to the Mainland for intended repatriation to Japan along with their husbands and fathers already in incarceration. The families' transfer was overseen by the War Department, and the group was accompanied by Hawaii physician Isao Murai, a representative of the American Red Cross.
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina
Assembly Inn, Montreat, North Carolina
Crystal City Family Internment Camp, Texas
Returned to Hawaii: December 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with about 775 other internees aboard the military troopship the Shawnee.