Group Media & Photos

Naitoh Family. Rev. and Mrs. Kyojo Naitoh and daughter, Gladys. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Gladys Naitoh and mother, Naoe, in their barracks. Jerome Concentration Camp, 1943. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Jerome Concentration Camp, 1943. L-R: Gladys Naitoh, Mrs. Naoe Naitoh, Gilbert Fujimoto, and Mrs. Yukie Fujimoto. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Jerome Concentration Camp, 1943-44. Gladys Naitoh and Gilbert Fujimoto with an unknown adult. Gladys and Gilbert played in the ditch that surrounded the camp. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Gladys Naitoh in front of Barrack 38, Jerome Concentration Camp, c. 1943. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Friends. Jerome Concentration Camp, Arkansas. (L-R) Gilbert Fujimoto (1st), Gladys Naitoh (4th), Miaki Hida (5th). JCCH/ Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Graduating kindergarteners. Jerome Concentration Camp, Arkansas. ca. 1943-44. Gladys Naitoh is in the back row, 2nd from right. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Naitoh family in front of mess hall, Jerome Concentration Camp. L-R: Gladys, Gilbert Fujimoto (friend), Naoe, Kyojo. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Children in the Jerome Concentration Camp, 1943-44. Gilbert Fujimoto, in white overalls, and Gladys Naitoh, far right. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.

Jerome Concentration Camp, 1944. Naoe Naitoh and daughter, Gladys. JCCH/Gladys Naitoh Archival Collection.
Transferred to Mainland: December 1942
Sent aboard the military troopship the Lurline with more than 430 other Hawaii residents for incarceration in Mainland camps.
Jerome Relocation Center, Arkansas
1月 1943 - 5月 1944
Tule Lake Segregation Center, California
5月 1944 - 11月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: December 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with about 775 other internees aboard the military troopship the Shawnee.