Group Media & Photos

Hospital kitchen staff, Jerome Concentration Camp. Kneeling (L-R): Haruto Harold Itoh (1st), Shizuo Yoshikane (2nd). Standing: Masuo Niki (2nd from left). JCCH/Shizuo Yoshikane.
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Arrested: May 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
Transferred to Mainland: January 1943
Sent aboard the military troopship the Kota Agoeng with more than 260 other Hawaii residents for incarceration in Mainland camps.
Jerome Relocation Center, Arkansas
2月 1943 - 6月 1944
Gila River Relocation Center, Arizona
6月 1944 - 9月 1945
Sacramento, California
Before the war, Masuo Niki and his brother, Takeo, ran the Hinode Macaroni Company in Honolulu. Masuo married Michiko Grace Inouye of California while both were in Jerome, and their daughter, Maria Masuko, was born the next year in Gila River.