Group Media & Photos

Kameki Odachi and her children arrived at the Jerome Concentration Camp in January 1943 in the hopes of reuniting with Kinzaemon. In October 1943, Kinzaemon died in the Santa Fe Internment Camp before his family could see him. JCCH/Masako Ebisuzaki and Mitsuko Shigemasa Collection.
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Transferred to Mainland: December 1942
Sent aboard the military troopship the Lurline with more than 430 other Hawaii residents for incarceration in Mainland camps.
Jerome Relocation Center, Arkansas
1月 1943 - 6月 1944
Gila River Relocation Center, Arizona
6月 1944 - 10月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.