Group Media & Photos

Japanese Benevolent Society, council members. November 1936. Riuichi Ipponsugi (2nd from L, on bridge), Taichi Sato (7th from L, standing in dark suit, dark hair), Iga Mori (8th from L, dark suit, white hair, glasses), Yasutaro Soga (3rd from R, standing), Daizo Sumida (4th from R, standing), Katsuichi Wakimoto (behind Sumida with white shirt). JCCH/ Harriet Matsunaga Collection.

United Japanese Society, April 1941. Row 1 (seated, L-R): Totaro Matsui (2nd), Osuke Shigemoto (4th), Kumaji Furuya (5th), Taichi Sato (7th), Koichi Iida (9th), Kyoichi Miyata (12th). Row 2: Yasutaka Fukushima (5th), Sawajiro Ozaki (9th), Sadasuke Terasaki (13th). Row 3: Isoto Dewa (3rd). Row 5: Ryuten Kashiwa (2nd from R). JCCH/Harriet Masunaga Collection.

Softball players. Missoula Internment Camp, ca. 1943-1944. Front Row (L-R): Rev. Joei Oi (1st), Rev. Shushin Matsubayashi (3rd), Masayuki Chikuma (5th), Rev. Konin Matano (6th), Osuke Shigemoto (7th), Hideyuki Serizawa (10th), Ichitaro Charles Hasebe. Middle Row (L-R): Rev. Gikyo Kuchiba (1st), Totaro Matsui (2nd), Kinzo Sayegusa (4th), Kumaji Furuya (5th), Sawajiro Ozaki (6th). Back Row (L-R): Rev. Hakuai Oda (2nd), Daizo Sumida (6th), Rev. Josen Deme (10th), Rev. Gendo Okawa (11th), Taichi Sato (13th), Rev. Kaneki Honda (14th), Aisuke Shigekuni (15th), Setsuzo Toyota (16th). JCCH/Rev. Hakuai Oda Collection.

Shinto priests and supporters, Izumo Taisha Kyobuin. Row 1: Rev. Shigemaru Miyao (3rd from left). Row 2 (L-R): Koichi Iida (5th, white suit); Kumaji Furuya (6th), Taichi Sato (8th). JCCH/Ken French Collection.
Arrested: December 1941
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was in the first group of 172 men (mostly Issei) who were sent aboard the U.S. Grant military transport ship for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. The internees were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan. This internee was in a sub-group of First Transfer Group internees who were sent from Livingston to Missoula before being transferred to Santa Fe.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
3月 1942
Camp McCoy Internment Camp, Wisconsin
3月 1942 - 5月 1942
Camp Forrest Internment Camp, Tennessee
5月 1942 - 6月 1942
Camp Livingston Internment Camp, Louisiana
6月 1942 - 6月 1943
Fort Missoula Internment Camp, Montana
6月 1943 - 3月 1944
Jerome Relocation Center, Arkansas
3月 1944 - 6月 1944
Paroled to New York, New York: July 1944
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.