Arrested: May 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
5月 1942 - 3月 1943
Honouliuli Internment Camp, Oahu Island
3月 1943 - 10月 1943
Paroled: October 1943
Released from Parole: November 1944
Yasue Takahashi was born on Maui, the daughter of a sugar plantation laborer. Following her graduation from high school, she left for Japan, where she studied naniwabushi, a type of historical ballad often performed with the accompaniment of a shamisen. She returned to the islands in 1940 under the stage name Teruchiyo Suzuki, performing on Maui and in Honolulu before the war.
Along with Takahashi, only five other Japanese women from Hawaii were ever interned at Honouliuli. They were Masako Fujimura, Irene Umeno Harada, Helen Shizuko Nakagawa, Haruko Takahashi, and Ryuto Tsuda.