Group Media & Photos

Kuakini Hospital Building Fund Committee. Honolulu, March 1953. Row 1 (seated, L-R): Tokuji Tsuji (1st), Katsuichi Kawamoto (2nd), Kumaji Furuya (4th), Chomatsu Tsukiyama (5th), Daizo Sumida (6th), Tokuyoshi Awamura (8th), Shigeru Horita (9th). Row 2: Clarence Keiso Karimoto (1st), Masayuki Tokioka (2nd), Motohiro Tanimura (6th), Mannosuke Komu (11th). Row 3: Katsuichi Wakimoto (3rd), Sawajiro Ozaki (5th), Tsuneichi Yamamoto (6th). Row 4: Takeo Isoshima (4th), Shinzaburo Sumida (6th), Katsuro Miho (7th). Row 5: Osuke Shigemoto (1st), Robert Yoichi Sato (4th). JCCH/Takuzo Kawamoto Collection.

Welcome party for Aikawa Gisuke, founder of Nissan, at Kanraku Tea House, Honolulu, 1956. Row 2 (L-R): Tokuichi Tsuji (1st), Totaro Matsui (6th), Taichi Sato (7th), Seiichi Shimamoto (9th). Row 3 (seated; L-R): Soichi Obata (1st), Manzuchi Hashimoto (2nd), Koichi Iida (3rd), Takeo Isomura (5th), Daizo Sumida (8th), Katsuichi Kawamoto (9th), Matsujiro Otani (12th). Row 4 (standing): Kiyoshi Yonemura (7th). JCCH/Seiichi Shimamoto Collection.
Tripler Army Hospital, Honolulu, Oahu Island
Honouliuli Internment Camp, Oahu Island
Paroled: September 1943
Tokuichi Tsuji's son Isami Tsuji volunteered for U.S. military service in March 1943. A sergeant with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, he was wounded in October 1944 near Bruyeres, France, and received the Purple Heart.