Group Media & Photos

Medical group. Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. Jiro Yoshizawa is #29 in legend on back of photo. JCCH/Usaburo Katamoto Archival Collection.

Identification on back of photo of medical group at Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. JCCH/Usaburo Katamoto Archival Collection.

Signatures on back of photo of medical group at Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1945. JCCH/Usaburo Katamoto Archival Collection.
Arrested: August 1942
Maui County Jail, Wailuku, Maui Island
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was sent in the Seventh Transfer Group of twenty-three Issei men aboard the U.S. Army transport ship the Ernest Hinds for incarceration in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. The internees were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family and others transferred for repatriation to Japan.
Also in this transfer group were two Issei women: a nun, Kanzen Ito, and a physician, Ishiko Mori. The women were kept apart from the male internees and had different internment sequences from them.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
10月 1942
Lordsburg Internment Camp, New Mexico
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
6月 1943 - 10月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: November 1945
Arrived in Honolulu with 450 other internees aboard the military troopship the Yarmouth.