Group Media & Photos

Internees from Kauai. Santa Fe Camp Internment Camp. Bottom row, kneeling and seated (L-R): Shinjiro Matayoshi (1st), Kenji Yoshiura (2nd), Ryozo Izutsu (3rd), Kaetsu Furuya (4th), Yukiyasu Sodetani (5th), Koshi Tatsuhara (6th), Tsuruzo Hasegawa (7th), Rev. Hironori Nishii (9th, on chair). 2nd Row, seated: Mankichi Miura (2nd, without tie), Takeo Seike (3rd), Kameo Tahara, Rev. Kakichi Okamoto (5th), Rev. Hiseki Miyasaki (6th), Rev. Ichiro Uyeda (7th), Yozaemon Yamamoto (8th), Zenzo Kisada (9th), Masaji Toyofuku (10th/4th fr R), Chiyomatsu Hamamura (11th/3rd fr R), Kazuto Yokota (13th/1st fr R). 3rd Row: Zenkichi Morita (1st), Sukenoshin Nakano (2nd), Kazuto Taketa (3rd), Rev. Shoyu Kitajima (4th), Rev. Gijo Ozawa (5th), Rev. Chiko Odate (6th), Rev. Kakuho Asaoka (7th, wearing hat), Isuke Horikawa (8th/3rd fr R), Enichi Saiki (9th/2nd fr R), Kyoichi Uyeda (10th/1st fr R). Top Row: Kyushichi Hayashi (2nd), Kenichi Hataishi (4th), Rev. Kyojo Naitoh (5th), Kokichi Tsuji (6th), Katsutaro Yamasaki (7th), Meijiro Hayashi (8th/3rd fr R), Sunao Fujii (9th/2nd fr R), Isamu Ueoka (10th/1st fr R). JCCH/Sunao Fujii Archival Collection.

Shingon ministers and supporters, Santa Fe Internment Camp, 1944. 1st Row (L-R): Manjiro Konno (1st), Kanekichi Yanagihara (2nd), Rev. Shodo Kawamura (5th), Teiji Kawamata (7th), Iwata Sugimura (8th). 2nd Row (L-R): Ryozo Izutsu (1st), Masasuke Ishikawa (2nd), Rev. Myoshu Sasai (3rd), Rev. Kakuho Asaoka (4th), Rev. Tetsuei Katoda (6th), Sadaichi (Teiichi) Suzuki (7th), Rev. Kakuo Shiba (8th), Rev. Yuko Nonomura (10th), Takazo Arita (11th), Takejiro Nakagawa (12th). 3rd Row (L-R): Usaburo Katamoto (3rd), Kazuaki Tanaka (5th), Masaichi Kobayashi (6th). 4th row (L-R): Rev. Hosho Kurohira (1st), Rev. Jitsuryu Tanaka (2nd), Aisuke Kuniyuki (3rd), Genzo Suzuki (4th). JCCH/Usaburo Katamoto Archival Collection.
Arrested: July 1942
Sand Island Internment Camp, Honolulu, Oahu Island
This internee was among twenty-eight men (mostly Issei) who were sent in the sixth transfer group for internment in U.S. Army and Justice Department camps on the Mainland. The internees were sent together from camp to camp, with some paroled to War Relocation Authority camps to reunite with family or transferred for repatriation to Japan.
Angel Island Detention Facility, California
9月 1942 - 10月 1942
Lordsburg Internment Camp, New Mexico
10月 1942 - 6月 1943
Santa Fe Internment Camp, New Mexico
6月 1943 - 7月 1945
Returned to Hawaii: July 1945
In the summer of 1945, the U.S. Army allowed ten of Hawaii's 160 internees with sons serving in the military to return to the islands.
Ryozo Izutsu's son Tadami Izutsu volunteered in 1943 for the U.S. Army and served as a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. Read Tadami Izutsu's oral history interview by clicking the link to the transcript above.
Other internees, with soldier sons, who returned in summer 1945 were Ryosei Aka, Kichitaro Kawauchi, Kametaro Maeda, Teiichiro Maehara, Tamehachi Makihira, Nobuichi Miura, Kyoichi Miyata, Hanzo Shimoda, and Nekketsu Takei.